V8 Cars for High Performance and Speed


If you are looking for a car with high performance and speed, then you absolutely need to look no further than V8 cars. Sports cars, muscle cars, luxury cars, and really any car with better than average performance is bound to be powered by a V8 engine.  The majority of larger trucks and SUVs are also powered by this type of 8 cylinder engine. Car collectors and enthusiasts the world over insist on V8 cars and many will buy nothing else.

The very first V8 engine was patented by Frenchman Leon Levavasseur in 1902, although it was primarily used in boats and airplanes, and it wasnt until 1905 that V8s started to be used in cars. French automobile manufacturer Darracq designed a race car to beat the world land speed record in 1905, and the car would beat that record in December of that year, achieving a speed of 109.65 miles per hour. Other companies began to produce V8 cars after that, however it wasnt until 1932 that V8 cars first came into mass production with the Ford Model 18. After Ford started mass producing V8 cars, then everything changed. For the first time, the average middle class consumer could afford a car loaded with a V8 engine.

Since that time V8 cars have undergone massive changes in design and performance, and the engines have continued to become more and more powerful. Nowadays you can find a car with a V8 engine produced in many different countries all around the world. However, when most people think V8, they think sports car or muscle car. V8 cars have long been synonymous with speed ever since the 1950s and 1960s when European and American sports cars vied for superiority. Nevertheless, the V8 engine is also required to give the performance required for luxury cars as well. While these cars started out as something that was only available for the rich, selected few, cars with a V8 engine can be found in driveways and parking lots all over the world and are no longer only available to the upper class. No matter what brand or type of car, truck, or SUV you are searching for, you cannot go wrong with a V8 model. No other engine will be able to give you the level of performance you can get with a V8 car, and while they cost a bit extra, they are well worth the money.

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