Vehicle Tracking And Lone Worker Tracking: Choosing Between The Two

There are different types of assets a business usually have starting from sofas and desks to cars and trucks. If one of your office assets gets lost, you will notice it soon but you might have assets outside your office that are not always in front of your eyes.
To get rid of such worries, there is a solution for you, which is tracking them or the people using them. At present there are two types of tracking or monitoring system popular in the corporate world. One is vehicle tracking and the other one is lone worker tracking. Both are popular for their individual features. To choose one of them or to choose both of them, the user will have to know the functions and the features of both the system.
Vehicle tracking system is used for various purposes. Firstly, it is popular because of car safety. It will not only monitor the cars location, but also the fuel status, the status of the locks and doors, etc. and thus the owner will be able to keep track of its usage and safety at the same time. And for a business with delivery responsibility, there is no alternative of vehicle tracking.
The owner will also know if the car or truck is taking unnecessary stoppages or driving too dangerously to make up time. Besides these, the owner will also be able to track his car if it is stolen or lost. Even you will get financial benefit while insuring your car with vehicle tracking system pre-installed.
On the other hand, lone worker tracking is suitable for a workplace where you need to maintain discipline without applying too much administrative force. Instead of tracking vehicles, the business owner tracks the persons with the responsibilities. Generally such tracking devices are set with a small tag carried by the person. It can be either attached with his ID card or with his phone. Such devices use radio frequency or GPS. Now a days mobile phone have programs with which you can track pre-selected phone users that are your employees.
Choosing between the two is usually not tough as they differ a lot in case of both features and functions. If you want to know the accurate time of the attendance of the employees, then there is no alternative to lone worker tracking. If you want to track where and how your deliveries are going, then you should consider vehicle tracking. Even if you are worried about your vehicles safety, you should also go for vehicle tracking.
In some situations, the solution can also be tracking both lone workers and vehicles, because many business owner would like to track the workers and check the status of the vehicles and deliveries at the same time. In this case they use both the tracking system but in this way the expense of tracking increases a lot, which is not suitable for small scale businesses and offices. Therefore, one should consider the advantages and disadvantages of both the system and even consult with an expert, which will help him to take the right decision.