Classic car buying: Do not get clubbed but club it

If you read my automotive articles, you know that I try to bring you informative car reviews that provide technical and mechanical information plus a vehicle’s technological features. However, I also like to provide you with information that is sometimes a bit ‘off the beaten trail.’
Let’s say that you want to buy a specialty vehicle or a classic that is located far from where you live. With access to the Internet, such vehicles are quite easy to identify, read about and even view from posted photos.
You can increase your knowledge of such vehicles and even get up to speed with what you should look for when inspecting and test driving the vehicle.
I always say that it is very important to have a used vehicle inspected, put on a lift and test driven by a mechanic who ‘specializes’ in such vehicles (works on them day-in and day-out) before making a purchase.
It is fairly easy to schedule an inspection for a local vehicle but what about a car that is far from home? Since you likely do not know of a mechanic where the vehicle is, it is understandable to think: I do not know of a good mechanic. Therefore, it is a quick hop, skip and a jump to: Well, a mechanic’s inspection of the car cannot be carried out, I’ll just skip it!
I will call this an ‘car excuse.’ I do not say this in a negative way because you would not really be making an excuse but simply acknowledging the reality of the situation – I do not know of a mechanic in the area!
So the central issue or question becomes, what can you do regarding the necessary and important car inspection? After all, the goal is to get a car that is in good condition (with no surprises) and that is highly satisfying to drive!
One thing you can do is to get online and Google the name of the vehicle ‘car club’ and the place where the vehicle is located. The idea is to identify the telephone number of the car club for the vehicle in the area. For example, if you were interested in a BMW 2002 located in Costa Mesa, CA, you would Google: BMW 2002 car club of Costa Mesa, CA.
The car club should be highly familiar with the particular vehicle you are interested in and it is highly likely that they will know of a good mechanic who can inspect the vehicle. The club should be able to provide the name, telephone number and address of the mechanic or such information can easily be looked up online.
With this approach, there is no reason to slip into the mode – But I do not know of a good mechanic in the area.
So rather that ‘just doing it’ without a car inspection and possibly getting clubbed, be sure to ‘club it!’ You should then be able to proceed with confidence, make an informed and sound vehicle buying decision and thus get the specialty car you really want and deserve!
Here’s to your best driving!
Kyle Busch is the author of “Drive the Best for the Price: How to Buy a Used Automobile, Sport-Utility Vehicle, or Minivan and Save Money.” His auto site: includes an exclusive article just for you, additional car articles, information about Kyle Busch and his 510,000 mile car, and you can even submit your automotive questions and get expert answers. Follow Kyle on Facebook and Twitter.