Preserving Classic Cars in Self Storage

The joy of restoring a true classic car can extend far beyond horsepower, nuts and bolts. The history and soul of a machine that revolutionized the lives of the majority of the world’s populous speaks volumes; it’s a shame to see such beauty squandered. Unfortunately, many of us don’t have the adequate space to store a seldom used vehicle on our own property, and many of us don’t want to see a classic go solely because of the space it occupies.
Self storage is becoming an even more viable option for owners of classic and vintage vehicles looking for a safe haven for their pride and joy. Not only does a self storage unit save you room on your property, but it also greatly decreases the likelihood of vandalism and crime. It prevents the kids from giving the car the “love tap” in the driveway and greatly reduces the chance of car thieves snooping around.
Self storage also ensures that the elements aren’t harming the sitting vehicle. Even if you have personal garage space, most garages cannot compare to storage offered at storage facilities. These units are often insured and guaranteed to prevent any extraneous damages to your property.
There are a few things to consider when putting a car in self storage:
• Am I going to be using this car frequently? If so, make sure to find a storage facility near to you.
• Does my insurance offer discounts for cars that are stored off-road or in a storage unit? Some insurers might offer you a reduced rate on your vehicle for being stored safely which could offset some of the cost of storage.
• Will the storage unit be accessible enough for me to check on the car intermittently? The car still should see some use, even if it is solely running the engine for a few minutes a month (with your unit’s garage door open for safety, of course!)
• Do I have time to completely prepare the car to go into storage? It’s always best to clean the car completely inside and out, do any repairs necessary to the vehicle, change the oil, fill the gas tank and seal off any engine openings to prevent corrosion.
If this sounds right for you, the next step is to pick the right self storage facility! There are varieties of storage unit facilities in most metro and rural areas. Call the owners and make sure that they have a storage unit large enough to accommodate the vehicle you’d like to fit in it.