Use Technology To Protect Your Workers From Risks

Lone workers are all those who work alone. They may include self-employed people; employees of transport business, painting firm, electrical companies; and employees of many other firms. They may include the office or factory employees who have to stay at the workplace beyond normal working hours. Security staffs at the factories or offices and night cleaners are all the lone workers. A lone worker is also one who may be working from home; and also a salesperson who is on his own for long hours.
Any organization will probably come to a halt, if all the lone workers are removed from it. Alternatively, if the lone working is prohibited with an eye on security of the human beings engaged in it, it would cost very high to any concern. This would bring the world to a halt. No one can afford such measures. But, against what risks the lone workers eventually face every now and then, everyone is expected to observe a few things. Even the law has made it mandatory to take a few steps on the part of employers to ensure security of the lone workers.
One point in this regard is that you, as an employer of lone workers,need to ensure that he is not at a greater risk in context to his health and safety. The same holds true for one who is a self-employed lone worker. He has to ensure safety to his own health; and he needs to know how to utilize the government facilities provided to him.
You can utilize technology to reduce the risksfor your employees. The technology keeps the lone workers connected to you or any person assigned by you for the purpose. This proves to be of critical help when the lone workers are in need. Following is a short guide on how you can ensure safety to your lone workers.
First, you have to assess the risks involved with any of your lone workers. This should be the risk about his health and safety. This will help you in minimizing the chances of any untoward incident from happening. If you find both health and safety risks together, it is most dangerous situation. You have therefore to ensure your lone workers have no potential medical conditions that make them unsuitable for the particular assignment as a lone worker.
A general assessment of the gravity of the task should also be made as to if or not it can conveniently be performed by one unassisted worker. You or any other responsible authority from your organization should regularly supervise the job at the site of the job, to assess the potential threats involved with the job. You must have such contracts in effect that guarantee prompt safety and medical services as an when any unwanted incident may take place, despite all the care taken.
Certain lone workers are at regular risk of violence– like those who have to supply things to public or those who are on security duty at far-flung places. You have also to take care about the legalities involved with such workers. Vehicle tracking with modern GPS and other advanced tools becomes necessary with certain transport and security workers in particular, and all the lone workers in general.